M. Guy Plourde, B.Sc.A., ift.a. PMP Certified
Président |
Guy is in charge of the business and partnership development in the areas
where the group has a presence. He is in charge of finances and
administration for the group. His implication spans most of the activities of
the group. He assists the associates in leading the various management
committees. He is one of the founders of the firm.
Guy is also the executive officer for Quebec's head office. With the help of
the whole team, his leadership is aimed at developping efficient and reliable
solutions. His priority is for quality insurance at every steps of the process.
His advisor's skills makes him constantly research, browse, imagine and
find to give the most valuable advise.
Guy is a member of the " Association Professionnelle des Informaticiens et
Informaticiennes du Québec "
for more than 14 years.
To have a complete outline of its competences, you may consult his resume
by clicking the following link :

M. Steeve Ouellet,
Vice-Président Technologie
Steeve devotes a good part of its activities to explore, test and criticize
technologies. Operating from our office of Quebec, he carries out proofs of
concepts to ensure that the recommandations are best suited to the needs
and constraints. He masters a great deal of products and approaches. He is
thus very knowlegeable to apply them to a vast range of situations. He
advises our analysts and our programmers in order to achieve the best
performance and best reliability.
Steeve is member of the " Association professionnelle des informaticiens et
informaticiennes du Quebec "
since 1990.
To have more details on his competences, you may consult his resume by
clicking on the following link: