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  2018-03-26 : Career at Optitech

Career section in our site allow us to find the right persons for the right projects.

We can still find there a list of job opportunities, but moreover, anyone can present himself there by leaving a detailed career profile allowing to know of their skills, fields of expertise and interests. You can also directly leave your résumé there.

The career profile can be filled in six simple steps:

  • Identification: Is where you indicate information allowing Optitech to contact you, the type of jobs you are looking for, regions in which you wish to work and your education.
  • General profile: Is where you indicate your experience in the different fields of applications, intervention categories and methodologies.
  • Development and maintenance: Is where you indicate your experience with different programming languages, database management systems, or CASE tools.
  • Equipment and network: Is where you indicate mastered topologies.
  • Tools and software: Is where you indicate your experience with different tools and specialized software.
  • Résumé: The last step is where you join your résumé.
  • Once your career profile filed, Optitech can easily, through its CRM system named "Système Nerveux", find the right candidate for a job based on required skills.

    So, if it is not yet done, go right to the Career section of this site and in no much more than five minutes, you will have submitted your profile. Don`t forget to come back frequently on Optitech website to keep your profile up to date, it`s the best tool you can get to be known.


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